Python Html Test Runner is a tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs. Itmonitors your program, noting which parts of the code have been executed, thenanalyzes the source to identify code that could have been executed but was not.

Coverage measurement is typically used to gauge the effectiveness of tests. Itcan show which parts of your code are being exercised by tests, and which arenot.

The latest version is 5.5, released February 28, 2021. It issupported on:

  • Python versions 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 alpha.

  • PyPy2 7.3.3 and PyPy3 7.3.3.

Tests are run using V8, and Closure Compiler, and some test code is taken from the tinypy and Python test suites, which may be distributed under different licensing terms. The Father of skulpt is Scott Graham, you can find his blog here: personal page (and blog) My own personal page and blog is Reputable Journal.

For Enterprise¶

Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription.
Coverage and thousands of other packages are working withTidelift to deliver one enterprise subscription that covers all of the opensource you use. If you want the flexibility of open source and the confidenceof commercial-grade software, this is for you. Learn more.

Quick start¶

  • As you might have read in the previous blog posts on the brand new TestProject Python SDK (Part 1 and Part 2), the SDK will generate great-looking HTML test reports and automatically publish them on the TestProject platform for you, out of the box, no additional configuration needed (you can also download them as a PDF file).
  • This executes the test runner by discovering all classes in this file that inherit from unittest.TestCase. This is one of many ways to execute the unittest test runner. When you have a single test file named, calling python is a great way to get started. Another way is using the unittest command line.

Getting started is easy:

  1. Install

    For more details, see Installation.

  2. Use coveragerun to run your test suite and gather data. However younormally run your test suite, you can run your test runner under coverage.If your test runner command starts with “python”, just replace the initial“python” with “coverage run”.

    Instructions for specific test runners:

    If you usually use:

    then you can run your tests under coverage with:

    Many people choose to use the pytest-cov plugin, but for mostpurposes, it is unnecessary.

    Change “python” to “coverage run”, so this:


    Nose has been unmaintained for a long time. You should seriouslyconsider adopting a different test runner.

    Change this:


    To limit coverage measurement to code in the current directory, and alsofind files that weren’t executed at all, add the --source=. argument toyour coverage command line.

  3. Use coveragereport to report on the results:

  4. For a nicer presentation, use coveragehtml to get annotated HTMLlistings detailing missed lines:

    Then open htmlcov/index.html in your browser, to see areport like this.


There are a few different ways to use The simplest is thecommand line, which lets you run your program and see the results.If you need more control over how your project is measured, you can use theAPI.

Some test runners provide coverage integration to make it easy to while running tests. For example, pytest has the pytest-covplugin.

You can fine-tune’s view of your code by directing it to ignoreparts that you know aren’t interesting. See Specifying source files and Excluding code from coverage.pyfor details.

Getting help¶

If the FAQ doesn’t answer your question, you can or get help using it on the Testing In Python mailing list.

Bug reports are gladly accepted at the GitHub issue tracker.GitHub also hosts the code repository.

Professional support for is available as part of the TideliftSubscription.

I can be reached in a number of ways. I’m happy to answer questions aboutusing

More information¶

Skulpt is an entirely in-browser implementation of Python.

No preprocessing, plugins, or server-side support required, just write Python and reload.

  • cut/copy/paste/undo/redo with the usual shortcut keys
  • Tab does decent indenting. Thanks to CodeMirror for the text editor.
  • Ctrl-Enter to run, Shift-Enter to run selected

Help, or examples: 12345678. Ctrl-Enter to run.

The code is run entirely in your browser, so don't feel obligated to 'crash the server', you'll only stub your toe.


This is a very cool new feature that is just getting off the ground. This would be a great project to jump in and help out on!

What's New?

  • Python 3 Grammar. The master branch is now building and running using the grammar for Python 3.7.3. There are still lots of things to implement under the hood, but we have made a huge leap forward in Python 3 compatibility. We will still support Python 2 as an option going forward for projects that rely on it.
  • Node JS and Webpack -- We have updated our toolchain for development to use node and webpack.
  • Suspensions! This may not mean a lot to you, but trust me its going to be big. Suspensions provide the foundation for the asynchronous execution we need to build an interactive debugger, a smoother turtle module, enhanced urllib and other cool features. For developers you should check out the time module and the suspensions.txt file under doc/.
  • Stub implementations of the standard library modules. You will now get an unimplemented exceptions rather than some other file not found error.
  • General cleanup and standardization of the code. See the short description of the coding standards in the CONTRIBUTING file
  • Loads of bugfixes: see
  • slice() function implemented. And improvements to list slicing.
  • string and operator module added.
  • Keyword arguments for sorted()
  • text() function in processing

By these awesome people: Brad Miller, Scott Rixner, Albert-Jan Nijburg, Marie Chatfield, Isaac Dontje Lindell, jaspervdg, Ethan Steinberg, Jeff-Tian, Meredydd Luff and Leszek Swirski


Skulpt may be licensed under:

Python Unittest Report

  1. The MIT license.
  2. Or, for compatibility with Python, the PSFLv2.

Please note that this dual license only applies to the part of Skulpt that is included in the runtime, and not necessarily to surrounding code for build processing or testing. Tests are run using V8, and Closure Compiler, and some test code is taken from the tinypy and Python test suites, which may be distributed under different licensing terms.


The Father of skulpt is Scott Graham, you can find his blog here: personal page (and blog)

Python Html Test Runner Free

Python Html Test Runner

My own personal page and blog is Reputable Journal

Unittest Htmltestrunner

Yes, I know how 'sculpt' is spelled. The correct spelling was thoroughly reserved according to ICANN and search engines.